DfE Exclusions: headline facts and figures - Autumn 2024
Suspensions increased compared to previous autumn terms
There were 346,300 suspensions in the autumn term of 2023/24. This represents an increase of 98,900 compared to the previous autumn term, which had 247,400 suspensions. It is also higher than the pre-pandemic autumn term (2019/20), when there were 178,400 suspensions.
The rate of suspensions was 4.13, equivalent to 413 suspensions for every 10,000 pupils. This is higher than the previous autumn term when it was 2.96, and higher than autumn term 2019/20 rate of 2.17.
Permanent exclusions have also increased compared to previous autumn terms
In autumn term 2023/24 there were 4,200 permanent exclusions, this is an increase of 1,100 compared to autumn term 2022/23 when there were 3,100. It is also higher than the pre-pandemic autumn term (2019/20) when there were 3,200 permanent exclusions.
The rate of permanent exclusions was 0.05, equivalent to 5 permanent exclusions for every 10,000 pupils. This is an increase of 0.01 compared to both 2022/23 and 2019/20 autumn terms when the rate was 0.04.
The most common reason for both suspensions and permanent exclusions was persistent disruptive behaviour.
In autumn term 2023/24, persistent disruptive behaviour accounted for 50% of all reasons given for suspensions and 36% of reasons given for permanent exclusions (Up to 3 reasons can be given for each suspension and permanent exclusion). This reason was also the most common in previous terms and years.
Further information can be found on the DfE website here
Department for Education: Permanent Exclusions and Suspensions in England: 2023/24 Autumn Term
The figures shown here refer to the following in the autumn term of 2023/24:
[1] Suspensions (previously fixed-term exclusions)
[2] Permanent exclusions ( when a pupil is not allowed to attend or return to that specific school unless the exclusion is overturned).
Click the Department for Education link on the right for more detailed statistics.
When a pupil is not allowed to attend a school for a set period of time. This can be for part of a school day and does not have to be for a continuous period. A pupil can be suspended for 1 or more periods up to a maximum of 45 school days in a single academic year. This total includes exclusions from previous schools covered by the exclusion legislation so pupils with repeat exclusions can inflate suspension rates.
Suspensions and permanent exclusion numbers have increased compared to previous terms.
The numbers of pupils excluded with diagnosed / and undiagnosed SEND issues has also increased.
Persistent disruptive behaviour accounted for 50% of all suspensions and 36% of all permanent exclusions in autumn term 2023/34. This is in line with previous terms and years where this reason was the most commonly recorded.