At CEN we are fortunate to have established friendships with many skilled and committed professionals who over the years have continuously supported our cause by sharing their resources, knowledge and expertise. 

Support from our Friends includes advice and expertise in the fields of HR, education safeguarding, advocacy, restorative justice, reintegration, mentoring, training and consultancy.

We are extremely appreciative, ever grateful for their generousity and goodwill!

Nick Pratt

Nick Pratt

CENs Safeguarding Advisor

Nick Pratt is a qualified Social Worker and the strategic lead for the Independent Safeguarding Service (ISS). He has worked in statutory child protection for over 20 years and has overseen Child Protection and LADO Services across a number of Local Authorities. He works closely with a number of Safeguarding Partnerships including undertaking the lead role in Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. 

Nick has extensive safeguarding consultancy experience in Education, Early Years, Health, Police, Third Sector, Faith Settings, Premier League Football, other Sporting Regulatory Bodies and Commercial Private Sector organisations. 

Safeguarding is central to all CENs services. Nick’s contribution and membership of the ISS provides us with concrete reassurance that our commitment to improving educational outcomes for children is tempered by consideration for their safety and well-being.

Find out more about the Independent Safeguarding Service here.

Alastair Martley

Alastair Martley

Barrister & CEN Advocacy Training Facilitator

Alastair Miles Martey is a practicing Barrister based at Four Brick Court in London’s Temple. 

After law school  Alastair worked as an advocate for CEN providing representation at Governors Disciplinary Committee hearings and Independent Review Panels.  He also delivered training on Education Law to parents in the community to empower them to represent themselves and their children in school.

Alastair now delivers training on Education Law to the CEN’s ‘Education Advocates’ who are mostly students training to be Barristers.

Learn more about Alastair here